Navigating the perils of Ego on the path to Excellence: A Stoic Reflection

Nassir Criss
3 min readNov 26, 2023


In the pursuit of becoming the best version of ourselves, there’s an insidious adversary that often lurks in the shadows — the ego. While a healthy dose of self-confidence is undoubtedly beneficial, allowing ego to take the reins can spell disaster for personal growth and hinder the journey toward excellence.

The Stoic Struggle:

Stoicism, with its timeless wisdom, teaches us the importance of self-awareness and humility. The stoic philosophy urges individuals to recognize that the only true control we have lies in our own thoughts and actions. Ego, however, often tricks us into believing we can control external factors beyond our influence.

As we strive for excellence, ego may whisper sweet assurances that we are infallible, that our path is unerring. Yet, the stoic sage warns us that such arrogance blinds us to our own flaws, hindering the very progress we seek.

Ego’s Threat to Growth and Learning:

The ego thrives on the illusion of perfection, discouraging us from acknowledging our mistakes and limitations. This aversion to humility becomes a stumbling block on the road to growth. The best version of ourselves is not found in a static state of supposed flawlessness but in the continuous process of learning, adapting, and improving. When we remain self-absorbed and narcissistic we make it impossible for us to receive feedback from people who might be smarter or more capable than us. Thus, inherently stunting our progress.

When ego takes center stage, the capacity to absorb new knowledge diminishes. The egotistic mind becomes resistant to constructive criticism, dismissing valuable insights that could propel us forward. In the words of author Ryan Holiday in “Ego is the Enemy,” ego blinds us to the reality of our circumstances and obstructs the very feedback necessary for improvement.

Building Excellence with Determination:

In the pursuit of greatness, determination emerges as the unsung hero, holding the key to overcoming the pitfalls of ego. Angela Duckworth, in her book “Grit,” defines determination as a powerful combination of passion and perseverance. It’s the unyielding commitment to long-term goals, even in the face of setbacks.

Determination acts as a counterforce to ego, reminding us that the path to excellence is not a sprint but a marathon. Author Carol S. Dweck, in “Mindset,” encourages the adoption of a growth mindset, emphasizing the belief that abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. This mindset aligns seamlessly with determination, as it fosters a love for learning and resilience in the face of challenges.

Why is this important for the modern-day founder?

I saw Garry Tan, Founder of Initialized Capital and current President/CEO of Y Combinator, post something incredibly interesting the other day on LinkedIn. He spoke about how startups and early-stage business ventures take on the traits of their founders. Unexamined trauma and internal conflict can directly correlate to your business’s health and progress or lack thereof. As I spent more time reflecting on these insights, it became abundantly clear to me, that we are only as successful as we ultimately allow ourselves to be. Most of the time, our self-limiting thoughts or behaviors prevent us from unlocking that next great level of growth. In order to properly tap into our potential, and manifest it appropriately, we have to let go of harmful self-talk, negative patterns or traits, and our imposter syndrome. This internal work translates to how we treat others too — our ability to recruit, train, and retain top talent is all predicated on how well we can empathize and communicate with others. As with all things in life, balance is needed, but there are ways to train our minds and our behavior to become more open and positive. I truly believe that the journey of building anything substantial in life starts first with building from within. Once that process has been refined and properly aligned, we will see our external activities start to soar. This is a journey I myself personally struggle with and have been working with a mental health professional to unpack. There is no end destination, it is a constant mission. I’ve learned through the years, to be kinder to myself in this process and more open to the ups and downs.

In the pursuit of the best version of ourselves, it is crucial to recognize and tame the ego, allowing determination to take the lead. The stoic wisdom of self-awareness, humility, and a commitment to continuous learning forms the foundation for personal growth. As we navigate the delicate balance between confidence and humility, let determination be our guiding light — a force that propels us forward, undeterred by ego’s pitfalls, towards the summit of excellence.



Nassir Criss

VC at 68 Capital — Investing in the best Undercapitalized Founders around the globe. Passionate about tech, investing, motorsports, and more.